I knew I could count on you to understand my lust for Anthropologie props and my copy of their giant pom pom garland!!! What ever did we do before the internet? I know, we did the same things, we just didn't necessarily have friends that shared our love of what we see as beautiful in our home regularly. Thanks to blogs, we can always have our creative loving friends over. (And better yet, I don't have to put the mess I made from creating away first.)
So, like I said in the post title, I still have a big crush on coffee filters. I made this garland with little pom poms from the scraps left over from making the giant pom pom garland. I am sure it was my attempt to copy this beauty that I recently stumbled across. She said she bought this one at Conran's years ago, but she makes lovely paper garlands herself as well. Another artist makes lovely paper garlands seen Here.
I also made some extras, some pom poms just because.
The ones above I thought would also be pretty all along the bottom of the tree. As if the tree itself had a pom pom fringe edging.
I'm trying to move on from coffee filters, really, I am. It's just that I'm itching to go dip some white coffee filters in pink dye...
For more garland joy you can check out this flickr group that someone mentioned to me at Silver Bella.