I really am moving at a snail's pace, with pretty much everything. Tired but can't sleep at night, etc. Just seem to be doing a little bit of this and that, here and there. So once again, I spent a little time in the garage yesterday, cursing myself for not organizing along the way. I hate it that no one else can clean it besides me, because everyone else would just sweep it all into a trash pile, and you know there are surely treasures in there. Sadly, it is mostly my mess that needs organizing (so of course, I started the whole clean-up by sorting out all the toys and sports equipment-procrastinator!) The nice part was that my daughter hung out with me, and then, inspired by one of the designers on "The next great design star" (or something like that-we love to watch that show together), she started taping and painting and taping and painting. Above you see some of her masterpieces. I love them and think they would be so cool on a white wall in a teenagers room. And just look how clean that part of the garage is, ha ha!
I so appreciate seeing other artists work in process, like Carla and DJ did recently and Corey too, I thought you might like to see how the journals of the earlier entries are coming together. I use all different things for journals, some old books that I alter, some already bound that I sew fabric cover for etc. etc., but after first seeing Teesha's art journals a few years back, I had to have some like hers. Her method is what I use, taking canvas panels and sewing in watercolor paper by hand. Before I took a journaling class from Teesha, I would always be compelled to journal in order, start to finish. In other words, each page would be done all at once, and in date order. After her class, I started to loosen up a bit. As you saw, I even painted and machine stitched some pages before I even sewed them in. Now I have all the different stages: doodling, painting,writing, collaging etc. ) of journaling in the book, available for whatever mood I'm in. Here are the books with the pages you saw before sewn in, and various stages of journaling on each page, and I can just grab a book and go, like I did this morning at my daughter's dental appointment.
Here are the scraps from tearing the paper to size for the books. I can't bring myself to throw anything away, guess I'll make a little itty bitty journal.